I’ve had a very enjoyable month trading throughout October. As I said in my last update (read the post here) I had a trading plan and I’m pleased to say I stuck very closely to it.
It was great to be back in the Telegram room with the guys and girls. They have always been a terrific bunch and just lately we have had an influx of nice new members.
I don’t know why for sure but there always seems to be more people join the group during the jumps season.
I do prefer the jumps myself for in-running trading and I guess maybe others do too.
Stuck to the plan
More or less, I did stick to the plan.
I did put some time aside to either watch Andrew’s raining videos or race replays or races that others in the Telegram room had discussed every day I traded.
I did no more than an hour a day (may have done 1.5 on just two days) and traded every day that I could.
I had to miss a few days due to some family stuff and Mondays are still a busy workday for me.
I did increase my stakes on the 13th of the month from £50 to £100 liability because I felt like riding a bike, I’d gotten back into the swing of things pretty fast.
Comically started the month with 2 red days which was funny. Reminded me of the days when I first joined Back for Profit, and I would be dreading Andrew ringing me to give a bollocking.

November Plan
More of the same. I believe that through Nov I will probably be more likely to have a day off on a Monday due to work.
Also, I will be visiting my dad for Sunday lunch quite often so that might stop me trading on Sunday’s dependant on what time I go. That is a shame as I would much rather trade Sunday than Saturday
Saturdays contain so many races which overlap etc. As an in-running trader you might think it strange, but I do like to see them in the paddock and on their way down to the start.
It often gives me early clues and if nothing else it helps with identification of the 3 horses I’m going to be concentrating on during the race.
Scores on the doors
Moneywise a poor month but I’m actually very pleased with how it has gone. I made a few mistakes. Of course, but managed them ok.

Back in the saddle, really enjoying it and hoping to kick on a bit this month.
If you are interested in joining the Back for Profit Trading Academy, so you can stop having 19 small wins followed by 1 HUGE loss, read my review here.
GL with your trading and stay patient and green.