OK so here is my trading update for Dec 2020. This was a month that had a bit of everything thrown into the mix. I’ve done a quick video with my thoughts on some of the highs and lows which you can view at the bottom of the post. (Read my November update here if you missed it) If making mistakes is learning, which it should be, then I’ve learned a fair bit this month. Dropped a few howlers in December with some of my biggest reds of the year. After my last feedback session with Andrew I feel like I’m still a million miles from where I need to…
One Swallow
July Update: My Betfair (BF) trading update for July 2020. This is the most positive update I’ve had yet. I feel sure I’ve taken a good step forward this month, but I know that one profitable month doesn’t make me a winning trader. I can’t be certain that losing months are behind me, but if I can maintain this method/mindset of trading then there is no reason why they wouldn’t be. June was a weird month in many ways (Read June Update Here) but July has been much better for trading In-Running (IR) I feel. July though has thrown up a lot more opportunities for easy trades. We are getting…
Limbo Trading
Here is my May 2020 Betfair trading update. Away from trading I’ve suddenly got incredibly busy with my online business so doing the US races early evenings has suited me well throughout May. Although I’ve enjoyed the US racing and had “fun” with it, it has felt like I’m in limbo just passing time, waiting for the UK & Irish racing to return. Bottom line for May A very disappointing 6 Red days and an overall Red month of £61.89 After a couple of bad reds, I dropped my liability dramatically on the 11th May, and that virtually locked in a red for the month. I wasn’t interested in chasing…
Record Breaker
My April Trading Update The headline news is that April was a record-breaking trading month for me. Sounds great but I only won £94.98 so I’m not getting over excited. *For the youngsters reading this who have no idea who the guy in the image above is I’ll tell you at the bottom of the post. (You’ll have to read it all now) After 16 months of trading it’s only my 2nd ever green month so a win is a win as they say. I switched to In-Running (IR) about a year ago on 26th April 2019. I’ve used trial and error and switched and tweaked strategies over the last…
Trading Milestone
I bought Tony Hargraves’s “In-Running Guide” on the 26th April 2019 and barring holiday’s, the odd day off for a poker tournament and days with no racing I’ve traded In-Running (IR) almost every day since. Prior to IR I tried pre-race scalping for about four months. Happy Birthday So I’ve completed a year now and so far I’ve had one green month. This month though barring late slip ups should be my second green month. That should be proof enough to show it’s not easy, regardless of what people might tell you. It requires some skill (race reading ability) which takes a lot of screen time to master, it requires…
Two Steps Back, My January Update
January Trading Update January was a horror show for me results wise. Over the last few months lots of people have commented on my twitter account either in the replies or via DM that they like my honesty about my trading results. Well I’ve got to tell you there were points in the month of Jan when I was thinking to myself “I can’t post these results up”. It’s totally embarrassing that I’ve had such a dreadful month, my worst by a long way since I switched to In-Running from pre-race on 26th April 2019. At the start of the month if you’d told me I was going to end…
Trading Update Oct 2019
For anyone who doesn’t know, I started trading in January 2019 and have lost money every month since, some months a considerable amount. At the end of April, I switched to trading in-running instead of pre-race and liked it immediately. I could see the potential and was convinced I could do well at it. It isn’t easy and although I learnt the techniques involved quite quickly, turning the technique into a skill takes time and practise. You also need discipline in spades. Even though I still kept on losing when I switched to in-running, my losses have been reducing steadily month on month as I’ve ironed out mistakes and slightly…
Bet Angel Review | Soccer Mystic
I’ve done a very quick off the cuff video showing a quick review of Soccer Mystic via Bet Angel. More detailed information can be found below the video along with a link for you to try Bet Angel “Free” for 28 days. How did Soccer Mystic help me? What I perhaps didn’t explain well or indeed even correctly in the unscripted video was exactly how the Bet Angel tool was able to help me make a profit. I don’t know much about football trading but a simple strategy that is so old it’s got whiskers on it, is to lay the draw and then wait for someone to score and…
Betfair Trading, my Saturday afternoon
OK so today I decided to film on and off throughout the day as a way of charting my progress with my Betfair Trading. Saturday is often a good day to trade on the exchange as there is more “Liquidity” in the market as the “Standard” punters (I hate calling them mug punters) are in the pub, phone in hand backing the ITV races etc. I’m very new to this and I’m still learning a lot as I go along. The video is started and paused briefly throughout the afternoon so you effectivley see my results over the entire afternoon in one 5 min video. It’s just to show each…